Optometrist: Taking a Look Into Your EyesOptometrist: Taking a Look Into Your Eyes

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Optometrist: Taking a Look Into Your Eyes

The aim of this blog is to collect together lots of useful advice and tips which will help you to learn about the role an optometrist can play in helping you to maintain your eye health. I should make it clear that I'm not a trained optometrist. But I'm am someone who has carried out a lot of research into the steps an eye doctor will take to assess and treat different conditions which can affect your vision. Read on to find out more about glaucoma, short and long sightedness, and much more. Please come back soon for more updates!


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Newly Diabetic? Four Reasons to Book an Eye Test Today

It can be overwhelming to be diagnosed with a health problem, and as diabetes can affect many areas of the body, it's hard to know where to start with your health management. As a diabetic, you have a greater risk of developing problems with your sight and eye health, so it's important to get regular eye tests. Check out these four reasons for new diabetics to book an eye test today.

Understand your current eye health

The impact of fluctuating blood glucose levels on your vision and eye health over time can be significant. Now that you have been newly diagnosed with diabetes, it's an opportune time to get a good understanding of your current eye health. This will help your optometrist to have a comparison point for your future examinations, making it easier to document your eye health as you age. It's also the perfect time to sign up for the National diabetes eye screening program KeepSight, making it easier to book eye tests in the future.

Check for eye disease symptoms

There are many symptoms of eye disease, and it can be easy to dismiss minor symptoms when you are busy getting used to your new life as a diabetic. Getting an eye test now will allow you to take note of and document the presence of eye disease symptoms such as blurry vision, light sensitivity, poor night vision and floaters. If you experience any of these symptoms or any other unusual changes to your vision, please prioritise your eye health and contact your local optometrist immediately.

Manage short term problems

After your initial diabetes diagnosis, it may take some time for your blood glucose levels to stabilise. During this time, you may experience short-term vision blurriness. As your bloody glucose levels go up and down, the shape of your eye's lens can actually change, leaving you with temporary blurred vision and other short term eye problems. Getting an eye test now is a great way to put your fears to rest and get a good idea of the causes and long term effects of any short term symptoms you may be experiencing.

Prevent long term vision loss

One of the most important reasons to get an eye test as a new diabetic is to prevent the deterioration of your vision and eye health over time. Several eye diseases, including diabetic retinopathy, cataracts and glaucoma are more common in diabetics. Thankfully, early detection of these diseases can mean that you can begin treatment before it's too late to prevent serious vision loss. Keeping your blood glucose levels stable and maintaining a healthy cholesterol level are very important steps, and your optometrist can give you personalised treatment advice to help preserve your long term vision quality.

To make an appointment or for more information about the benefits of a regular eye test for diabetics, chat with your an eye doctor today.