What You Need To Know About Eye Care
Your sense of sight is one of the most important senses in your body. Most of what you perceive comes through your sense of sight. Eyecare is crucial for reducing vision loss. It also helps to prevent eye diseases like glaucoma and cataracts. The following eye care tips will help you keep your eyes healthy.
Watch Your Health
Healthy habits such as eating well and being physically fit will reduce your risk for conditions that could lead to vision problems like high blood pressure or diabetes. First of all, you need to eat healthy foods. Go for dark, leafy greens like kales and spinach. You should also eat foods that are high in omega-3 fatty acids like tuna, salmon and halibut.
Another part of observing your health is being physically active. Cardiovascular exercises reduce your risk of suffering from conditions that cause vision problems like high blood pressure, diabetes or high cholesterol. You should also watch your lifestyle. For example, you should not smoke because it is not only harmful to your lungs, but it increases your risk of getting diseases like cataracts and macular degeneration.
Shield Your Eyes From Light
Looking at the television, computer or smartphone for long will strain your eyes. Blue light is also harmful to your eyes. It is recommended that you observe the 20-20-20 rule when you spend time watching screens. The rule means that every 20 minutes you should take a break from looking at a device's screen and gaze at something that is 20 feet away for 20 seconds.
You should also protect your eyes from the UV rays of the sun. Some of the eye problems that arise from too much UV exposure include cataracts, cornea burns and macular degeneration. Excessive sun exposure can also cause skin cancer on your eyelids. The best way to shield yourself from sunlight is to wear sunglasses.
Eye Tests
Another crucial aspect of eye care is having your eyesight tested for vision problems. It is recommended that adults go for regular vision screening that also includes a complete dilated eye exam. Dilated eye exams are crucial since many eye diseases develop without any visible warnings. Eye exams help you detect these conditions while they can still be treated.
Visiting an optometrist is also the best way to determine whether you stand the risk of suffering from eye diseases. Many people have a higher risk of developing some eye conditions if they are obese or have a family history of a particular eye disease. As mentioned earlier, health conditions may also heighten your chances of developing some eye diseases. For example, if you have diabetes, you are at risk of developing diabetic retinopathy.
To learn more about eyecare, reach out to a professional.